Distance Education and E-Learning (OMDE) Artifacts

The beginning and the end of my program journey were in the OMDE track. My first favorite memory from early in the program was conversing with Alan Tait about Open Universities. My second was talking a class with University of Oldenburg faculty.  Oldenburg has a long tradition of providing distance education offerings (http://www.c3l.uni-oldenburg.de/literat/centrwww.htm). It was awesome to have taken a class at a prestigious German University from my home. It was difficult to adjust to the culture of being a student in a different nation. My favorite course from this track was Teaching and Learning in Online Distance Education where we used Linda Harasim’s excellent text to learn about different theories about teaching and learning. I have always been fascinated by how we learn and taking this course was a culmination of a lifelong ambition. It inspired me to create a 60 second YouTube video about understanding the difference between epistemology, theory & pedagogy (https://youtu.be/wUoxkRL1ft0).

Portfolio and Project in Distance Education and E-Learning (OMDE 670 9040)

A capstone study of distance education and training designed to demonstrate cumulative knowledge and skills through two major projects: an electronic portfolio and a case study. The personal e-portfolio documents credentials and accomplishments to date and also serves as an ongoing resource and record of continuing professional development. The case study, which focuses on a distance education/training program or organization, involves in-depth analysis of the setting and application of concepts and strategies to enhance practice and performance in distance education and training.

Capstone Project

Learner Support in Distance Education and Training (OMDE 608 9040)

An introduction to the theories and concepts of support for learners in distance education and training. Various types of learner support, including tutoring and teaching; advising and counseling; and library, registrar, and other administrative services, are examined. Discussion addresses management issues, such as planning, organizational models, staffing and staff development, designing services to meet learner needs, serving special groups, and evaluation and applied research.


Annotated Bibliography-A1

A Case for Human Intervention in Distance Education Student Support-A2

Student Support Recommendations for Management Concepts-A3

Costs and Economics of Distance Education & E-learning (OMDE 606 9040)

A study of the economics of distance education in the larger context of the economics of education. A variety of methodological approaches (including cost/benefit and cost/effectiveness analysis) are applied to the distance education context. A variety of costing techniques and economic models are explored and applied to different institutional forms and levels of distance education.


Reflective Learning Journal


Discussion on Investment on Human Capital-A1

Case Study-A2

Case Study Spreadsheet-A2

Group Feasibility Study-A3

Group Feasibility Study Video-A3

Teaching and Learning in Online Distance Education (OMDE 610 9040)

An exploration of the online teaching and learning dynamic, including its theoretical foundation and best practices. The themes that shape the online teaching/learning relationship are addressed through individual and collaborative projects. Topics include philosophical frameworks; instructional, social, and cognitive presence; interaction, collaboration, and participation; community and engagement; and administration and management.


Reflective Learning Journal


How the Tradition of Distance Education has Informed Online Teaching and Learning-A1

Telling Stories with PowerPoint Cognitivist Lesson Plan-A2

Writing Knowledge Articles OCL Lesson Plan-A3

Berkley Labs Training and Development OCoP Project PowerPoint-A4

Berkley Labs Training and Development OCoP Project Video-A4

Pedagogical Best Practices for Online Teaching and Learning PowerPoint-A5

Pedagogical Best Practices for Online Teaching and Learning Video-A5

Technology in Distance Education & E-learning (OMDE 603 9020)

A study of the history and evolution of distance education. Social and political/economic factors, theories, learning and teaching models, technology and media innovations, institutions and systems, and major writers that have shaped the development of the field are critically examined. A variety of technologies are used to support the development of foundational skills that are integral to current practice.


OMDE603 Blog Posts


603-9020-A1-Essay on Technology to Address Distance Education Concern


WIKI Define Experiental Mode Group Project

Experiential Mode Definition

Foundations of Distance Education & E-learning (OMDE 601 9041)

A study of the history and evolution of distance education. Social and political/economic factors, theories, learning and teaching models, technology and media innovations, institutions and systems, and major writers that have shaped the development of the field are critically examined. A variety of technologies are used to support the development of foundational skills that are integral to current practice.

Joannes Evolving Definition of DE


601-9041-A1-Definition of Distance Education

601-9041-A2-Institutional Comparisons

601-9041-A3-Theories of Distance Education


Joanne’s OMDE601 Reflective Learning Journal

Skill Builders

SkillBuilder Reference List

SkillBuilder Diigo Annotation

SkillBuilders Final Status Report

Evolution of Distance Education Group Project

Evolution of Distance Education